Friday, 1 February 2013

Update-Mcvitie's Breakfast Porridge Oats biscuits with red berries.

This was particularly delish- berry yogurt, fresh blueberries and a little garnish of Porridge Oats biscuits.
And for days when I am literally rushing out of the door.....................

Biscuits and fresh strawberries.
As you can see, I do love my berries and I can say that since I have been having a breakfast I have been so much more *filled*  that I have been able to move away from my traditional HEAVY carb based lunches that I used to crave. It has definitely made a difference to my eating habits in the best way possible. So that I am not ravenous and literally eating anything I can get my hands on.

My lunch of choice these days with a bread roll-I know..more berries :)- Taurean creature of habit!

Yes, that used to be me by lunch time.

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